On friday the 6 of august 2020 room 9 got to do some boxing practice with coach Pax. So first she talks through what we have to do in boxing, she said plz get into pairs and then stand in two lines with your partner.
Firstly, we went into a practice round with coach pax she said to get into the bright formation. She also said to get into your wall how to do this is to bend your body low and hard and why because if you're ever in a fight it would be your defence that is why it is called the wall.
Secondarily, she teaches us the jam/cross, this is how you do jam/cross it still includes the wall, jam is when you use your weakest hand E:G if my right leg is behind the it would be my left hand thats jam. Cross would be the opposite of jam which is my right, there is a twist if you do cross you twist your body the same way your hand goes.
Finally,we got into a game called knee tag. How do you play knee tag? So you get a partner and try to tag their knee. If you or your partner tag one another knee then you would have to do a star jump,Then pax finished off the boxing lesion with a speech.
If you like this plz leave a comment, and if you ever get to do these stuff then send it to your friends.