
Friday, February 22, 2019

Slow and steady wins the race

Firstly. The rabbit was having a little snack then he was walking and he saw the tortoise and he said man you are so slow . How can you beat another animals if you are so slow  however the tortoise said I’ll accept your challenge said the tortoise .

Secondly. Then the tortoise met the (lapiti) rabbit and they wear at the starting line and all the animals was there to watch the race . Boom the race started and the (lapiti) rabbit zoomed of and the (laumei) tortoise was taking his time.

Later on.  However the rabbit was so tied  he thought that he was so ahead of the tortoise  so he laid beside a tree and sleeped. And the tortoise was walking and he look in his direction and keeped on walking.

Finally.  The rabbit woke up from his nap and looked anxious so he sprinted to see if the tortoise is almost at the finish line  but the tortoise was 1 meter away from the finish line .  But the rabbit was too late the (laumei)  oreddy  won so the rabbit was sad and the tortoise was sad.  The end

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